Recently, I was 'fortunate' enough to see such an unusual sight. I have a cute, hairy, furball of a dog. She hates cats, and tries to chase them whenever they're nearby. But I realised the same can't be said for some squirrels in my garden. I've spotted them numerous times sitting in my doggy's bowl eating high protein chicken and beef dog biscuits! At first it was quite cute, seeing this little creature slowly creep up from behind flower pots and snatch a biscuit or two. But lately, I realised my little squirrel friend has been bringing a pal to the buffet.
I'm hearing the squirrels grinding their teeth more and more often, which probably explains why they are quite fat with a shiny coat of fur. Not too mention more and more traces of their slimy gooey poop in the porch (it looks like brown toothpaste).
But I think the single most annoying thing is that my dog doesn't bother at all!Any other dog would have gone mad chasing away little four legged creatures nibbling in its bowl. But not my doggy. She doesn't bat an eyelid.
Yesterday, I shoved my dog's bowl right under her nose and told her firmly to guard it. I then hid behind some curtains to watch the most ridiculous scene unfold. The squirrel crept out from between some flower pots and sort of hopped-scurried around the porch in front of my dog. Seeing my dog was reaction-less, it came closer and closer and closer until it was at the food bowl, right under my dog's nose. My dog looked at it with little interest as the squirrel picked its choice biscuit and dashed off.
I didn't manage to grab a photoshot as I never expected that to happen. Well the next time, I hope to get it in a cage nyehehe. Though you wouldn't have to worry, I'll probably just bring it to a park, where it can look for real food, like a real squirrel does.
This pic was taken at another time, you can see the ratty looking squirrel in the flower pot while the white fluff on the floor is my lazy dog.
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