Thursday, 26 May 2011


Mind clouded sense astray
What truth gets through your way?
Dialogue, cajoling, heckling, threats
Disperse like vapour in heat

Mind warped in steel
Sealed from inside's will
Only you can hear the truth
If you let the locks be moved

Mind afloat in fantasy
Reality keeps on living
Time still keeps passing
See how much you're losing
If you refuse to wake up.
Why not drop the sick desires
And greet reality

Counting the days

Have you felt work droning on an on, blending weekdays together in a mish mash? Sometimes, my Monday gets mixed with Tuesday, or was it Wednesday, no wait it's just Monday, I catch myself confused sometimes. And when I do reach the real Wednesday, it does feel like I've passed the half way mark of a marathon (not that I ever did one :P ). When Friday finally comes, I do sometimes feel like I just crawled out from a blender, covered in squishy slime that is pieces and bits of work, information, meetings, conversations, emails, calls, texts, more meetings and emails... and see the big blue sea called weekend stretched ahead of me :)

And in the space of the big blue sea my body is alive again and the mind is alert. Aware of every hour, every minute that passes, precious time slipping through the fingers like fine sand. Then my mind sets adrift thinking of all the stuff I want to catch up on, movies, that magazine lying somewhere, that dusty half-read book on the table, oh my dog needs a bath... a trip... oh yes... why not a trip? Weekend's a little too short, will have to save this plan for later then... Why does the juicy parts of life always gets put away. It seems like the moments I look forward to nowadays are far shorter than the horrid journeys taken to reach the moment. And all too soon the moment passes again.

Perhaps I need a paradigm shift. Perhaps my so called horrid days are not really horrid at all, I just can't see how exciting they are. As exciting as my next holiday ( already I can hear my mind sarcastically screaming yea right ). Or perhaps, just maybe, my days are really horrid. And it needs to be changed, pronto. Then I wouldn't have to end my lovely weekend on an abrupt full stop, it will continue throughout the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. One endless seven coloured rainbow of days. Wishful thinking? I'm praying hard it's not, and I'll find the formula :)

Monday, 21 March 2011

The College Days..

I wanna be a college student again!!
Where I did assignments because I liked it
Nobody is my boss because if I fail I answer to myself
If I do well I praise myself
Where money was always short
but I wasn't afriad to find 101 odd jobs
Where life spread out like a big dream before it got tainted
Where all seemed hopeful, doubts were few....
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